Promotional Products Halifax Tips Marketing Strategies

Its 2017 people and if you live in my world where you are the one responsible for marketing your business, then here are four things that should be on top of your list.

* Do you have any Influence marketers?

What’s more effective than an ad in selling your product? A lovable social media personality speaking highly about your product to his or her followers. This is on the rise, because people tend to trust recommendations from people they see as thought leaders. The right influencers establish credibility through each social media post or advertisement. When they work with brands, it’s because they genuinely believe in them, and that trust is passed on to consumers.


*Do you post video on any social media platforms?

Have you looked at your Facebook feed recently? Chances are that 95% of it is video. And here’s a fun stat: mobile video views grew six times more than desktop views in 2016. In fact, in Q4 of 2016, mobile video views exceeded desktop views for the first time ever. We now live in an age of mobile video, and it’s time we embraced it.


*Do you have a mobile strategy?

The future is mobile. Internet traffic is now coming more from mobile devices than desktops. If you’re not catering your content, ads and online experience to a mobile user, then you are missing a massive opportunity. And remember: It’s not just about “optimizing” for mobile; it’s also about making sure that piece of content gets integrated with a user’s lifestyle on the go.


*Are you using automation?

Why do the same thing over and over again when you can do it once and automate the rest? Automation is becoming extremely powerful (and popular) among marketers and businesses who are looking to scale and expand past trading hours. As apps such as Hubspot and Marketo become more intuitive and affordable, automation will become more common.