Covid 19 Update

Hello Friends and Business Colleagues

I wanted to give everyone a quick update as to where Promoprohfx is as far as Covid 19 is concerned.

First of all I want to say that I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. It is important to follow the rules and restrictions being put in place by all levels of government. The government is doing what it thinks best to keep us all safe and to slow down the spread of the Virus as much as possible.

At Promoprohfx we are practicing many of the same restrictions that all of you are as well

  • Practicing social distancing

For now there will be no deliveries for catalogues or samples.

Please use our website for browsing or email or call us for any inquiries you           may have.


     .    Deliveries

We can use the “no signature required” option, with all of our couriers to

ensure distancing.

Like many of you, my business is being greatly effected by the economic impact of this virus. For the time being, we remain open and ready to help with your promotional, apparel or print needs. This is the time for all of us to band together to support each other.


Like all things, this too will pass. Until such time it is important for everyone to take care of themselves and support each other as much as possible. I can be reached any time at 902 495 7752 or

Stay safe,
