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Are you marketing just for the sake of marketing? ?Here are some points to consider.
Do you know the ROI of your marketing?Long past are the days when it was nearly impossible to get an ROI for your marketing activities. With tools like HubSpot coupled with an inbound marketing strategy, ROI has become a tool that shouldn’t be elusive.
Have you been consistent?Marketing, at its core, is about telling the story of your brand. If you are throwing out a million different messages, how are you’re customers going to know who you are? Every aspect of your inbound marketing strategy should be based around your central brand essence.
Do you know what you’ve done? Any great inbound marketing strategy has many facets, from a social media campaign to email to PPC. But they should all be part of a previously thought out strategy. If you’re adding components without giving them thought or if you haven’t given thought to your current components, you’re not doing yourself justice, and potentially wasting boatloads of money.  
Do you know the customer’s perception of you?  So you’ve been consistent and you know what you’ve done but have you been doing it effectively. Being so close to a particular business often biases our opinion of what we think our customers perceive about us. Often there is a disconnect between how we think we’re perceived and how we’re really seen in the marketplace. It’s always a great idea to hit the streets to find out what people are really saying about you.
Do you have defined Marketing goals? Every aspect of business goals need to be set. Marketing is no different.  There is no way to gauge effective your marketing efforts are if you don’t have goals by which to measure them.
Do you have a set plan?It’s normal to have a budget planned out. But do you know where your money is being spent? It’s important to have a baseline plan to maximize your inbound marketing effort in order to augment your lead count while minimizing your cost per lead. It is always good to keep some wiggle room in the plan for things that pop up, but its best to have a set framework to keep you on track throughout the year and to make sure that you’re hitting your marketing goals.

Marketing used to be a system of trial and error and gut reaction. However in today’s marketing sphere with companies such as HubSpot, coupled with a great inbound marketing firm, it is possible to create, implement and measure exceptional inbound marketing strategies. If you answered no to any of these questions it may be time to ask yourself if you are ready to give your marketing direction and move away from marketing for the “sake of marketing.”